Since it’s the end of the year I want to summarize some of what we’ve been able to accomplish this year in collaboration with amazing surgical services staff that we met along the way; guided by our advisors, partners, and investors; delivered by exceptional efforts of the talented team we have and of course supported by a crowd in the background that it takes for a company like ours to provide value and be successful. 

I would say it takes a lot more than a village, or at least it’s a very big village!  I would also say that it takes more patience than I knew I had, ask anyone. (I still really don’t think I have any which is interesting since we are working with large healthcare organizations!) It also comes with a lot more learning and life lessons than I could ever have anticipated, for myself and everyone we encounter on this journey.  The grace that I’ve found in others is something I wish to emulate and understand the power of both to catalyze as well as provide dignity during unforeseen situations.  I know those in the healthcare industry have so much empathy and I’m humbled to be able to learn from them.

I like lists so here it is:

  • over 14,000 simulation experiences delivered to paying customers
  • over 20,000 simulation experiences if we include our free modules on iPad and VR as well as ongoing research collaborations with the UBC Cognitive Motivation Lab, SFU, Dalhousie, Nova Scotia Health Authority and MacEwan University. 
  • we attended over 25 events in the past 12 months with our partners HP and Siemens Healthineers!  Thank you for the support, additional capacity and reach.
  • the AORN Nurse Leadership Series (NLS) covering topics such as OR of the Future, Staffing of the Future and Business Case Development with Judy Pins was AMAZING and truly a highlight!  Thank you to the AORN team for great coordination and support across the country.  
  • over 80 hospitals in North America are using PeriopSim to train and assess the competency their orientees and we are starting to see increased interest in using PeriopSim to maintain competence with our continual assessment Learning Records System (LRS).
  • we doubled our experience module library, added personalized learner assessments for each to match realtime preceptor feedback, realtime education business case calculators all while adding Virtual Reality that can also evaluate the occurrence of never events and sharp safety.
  • we did a survey and reviewed AORN’s position statement for orientation of RNs and analyzed how the PeriopSim roadmap is aligned with and supports the data.  
  • we started to meet quarterly with the educators using PeriopSim in the curriculum and what they are able to achieve considering what they have on their plates is simply amazing.
  • HP sponsored our PeriopSim VR video!  
  • we completed BC Tech’s Hypergrowth Accelerator!  Special thank you to Mervyn Mabini, Alka Tandan, Michelle Reid, Nicole Parmar, Andrew Batey and Karim Ben-Jaafar.
  • we had Mark Cunningham join our advisory board.  


Specifically we would like to mention and thank:

  • The former Conquer Mobile team that has supported the journey since day 1.
  • Any investor that met with us or read an email, including those that said no.  😉  yes, I forgive you for saying my business baby is ugly.  
  • A special thank you to those that were transparent, direct, efficient and honest in their feedback and that provided an introduction.  It meant I could spend more time with our customers or investors that might be a good fit.  
  • The Governments of Canada, BC, Nova Scotia, and the cities of Dartmouth, Vancouver and Surrey.  Your programs and people are supporting us along the journey proactively.  You are listening to our feedback and making a difference in our success.  I am one of those rare ones who likes filling out your endless surveys that I believe are read and the feedback incorporated.  The politicians get all the credit but the ones behind the scenes are making a massive differences through the changing tides.  
  • All of the associations and event organizers that invited me to speak or to events!  
  • The Society for Simulation in Healthcare board and leadership for moving into the next phase of simulation evolution and the now Section – Serious Games and Virtual Environments members for their support as I have been chair for the last year.  
  • All of the companies in the AR/VR Education and Training space that are helping to support educators with this transformative technology.
  • All of the Spatial Computing manufacturers for iterating on this technology fast so we can deliver best in class solutions.  


Like I said, it’s a lot of people and every time I read the list I will remember someone else.  I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday season and will have lots of great experiences in 2020!