We understand that Hospital Educators are extremely busy and have a lot on their hands. That's why we compiled a list of tips on how to use PeriopSim within your curriculum
1. Instrument Overviews
Hospital Educators: How can you use PeriopSim in your curriculum?
Sep 6, 2021 8:00:00 AM / by Jumana Mascati posted in Educator, education, clinical
Surg Tech Educator Tips: Should I Request a Demo?
Jul 29, 2021 12:00:00 PM / by James Hay posted in Educator, Surg Tech Program
There are elements for Surgical Technology Program Directors and Educators to consider when evaluating PeriopSim before taking the request to your Dean. Over the past year, we have talked to many Educators and Directors and helped them build a case to integrate PeriopSim into their curriculum. Here are a few tips that we have compiled if you are thinking about PeriopSim as well.
Should I Request a Demo? Educator Tips
Feb 24, 2020 12:36:39 PM / by Angela Robert posted in Educator
The purpose of this post is to give educators some quick tips to consider when evaluating PeriopSim and taking the request to your Director.